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I think I have a hacker. My friend pissed of someone on my BL on AIM and now I think that person may be hacking me.What programs should I install or what should I do?
I have a firewall. The person might be hacking me cuase my friend was over and said something too him so he said he scanned my ports and know all my vanurabilities. He said he dosnt care that it was my friend he would still hack me. This person is really a nice person and coolbut for some reason he got really mad and I think might be hacking me.
Don't worry the guy is probably bullshitting anyway. If you have something like zone alarm you should be fine. Most people who say they can hack are a bunch of SK dumbshits who can't wipe their own ass. Also he would be referred to as a cracker, like you crack into a safe. Hackers are programming guru's not stupid idiots that crack into computers, but hollywood preferred hacker and now it is stuck with a bad rep.

So i would say don't stress at all, if you are fully updated and have a decent firewall you won't get hacked.
the only thing i would add, is that this kid is prob. sitting there trying to learn how to hack on google.
he may download some backdoor type program (sub7) or something like that, look it up i'm not giving details.

other than that, there is prob. nothing you have to worry about... and he can "scan your ports" all day long... won't do him a bit of good unless he knows what he's doing.
only thing that's going to do is slow down his own computer/network with processs as it all fails and comes back to him... lol

besides, the odds of him actually being able to locate your computer based on a name from AIM!!! slim to none.
yah he is prolly useing some program like sub7 or backdoor ... only way for those to work is if you recieve a file from him called a "host" file ... so dont ever open anything that he gives you. that file is what opens up a port and lets him in.

at least that is what i know based on some highschool fun my friends and i had with eachother in a cisco networking class.
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