Grand Theft Auto 4 PC Uses SecuROM DRM

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Do devs think the added security actually does anything besides delay pirates a few hours or days?
WGA got cracked.. its only a matter of time before some smart programmer cracks this too

heh QFT

anyways GTA4 is such an epic game ( top rated game of all time on gamerankings ) and has multiplayer that I think it more then deserves a $50 dollar purchase from me...I'm still debating wether or not to get it on Steam...
i will be purchasing!!! i can't wait to see this game with full blown anti-aliasing... if it had that for ps3.. it woulda been amazing
I would actually want to get the cracked version just to see these gameplay altering things of which they speak of.

I can imagine it now, that homeless religious guy ranting outside of one of your many safehouses yelling: "And the lord said, let those who use cracked pc games and thy pirate bay be dammed to the pits of ****!!! "
i will be purchasing!!! i can't wait to see this game with full blown anti-aliasing... if it had that for ps3.. it woulda been amazing

but the PC version is going to be much improved then the ps3, with 2x the draw distance and 4x more traffic density along with other improvements like the replay feature, heh lets play multiplayer in january Nosboost ;)
That's a real pain. I wish these losers at these corporations would get it through their incredibly thick skulls that COPY PROTECTION = HIGHLY TORRENTED, CRACKED GAME with MINIMAL SALES. Honestly, why would anyone in their right mind WANT TO BUY SOMETHING that has the equivalent of CORPORATE-SPONSORED MALWARE on it! They need to reverse their thinking. Treating customers like criminals will just lead them to commit more crimes. I bought Spore and was unsatisfied by the horrid DRM scheme and awful space-wasting DRM. I wanted GTA4PC but now am considering just buying it for 360 and torrenting the PC version. Way to treat customers like garbage, I will proceed to treat you in the same respect. If you want customers, don't treat them like mindless idiots who want this dumb nonsense spammed all over their PC.

My PC is my PC, it isn't a corporate mailbox for them to spread their nonsense over. If I do buy the game I'll definitely use the cracked installer just to get that SecureROM nonsense off my PC, as it has no place on my hard drive.

I'm also tired of programs requiring Internet Explorer (why is it necessary? why force IE, IE is awful garbage, least you could do is use the primary browser from the system settings) and Adobe Flash (wtf? Don't bring that mess into gaming, leave it to the ad-spamming flashing colors Myspace backgrounds where it belongs). Also, why do we need a Rockstar application alongside the game? Same goes for nonsense like EA Download Manager, build this stuff into the game, don't spam up our computers with your dumb programs.

This is why consoles are starting to look better, corporations will only go to PC if they can have their logo flashed all over your desktop. Seriously, turn on most of the Windows machines out there and you'll be face-to-face with a corporate logo advertisement board. How many corporate logos do you have on your Desktop? Windows, EA, Rockstar, IE, Adobe (Flash Player or Acrobat Reader at least), ATi/nVidia, Word/Excel/PowerPoint/etc, they're all there, turning your computer into corporate advertisement heaven. This kind of stupidity needs to be eliminated.

Give PC gamers a product not ridden with idiotic protection schemes, useless, space-wasting add-on programs, ties to other corporate-Windows-big-business software, and other bloat and we will commend your efforts. Continue to put out spam ridden corporate spyware and we'll treat it as such. What gamers want are games, and if it means torrenting a trimmed up, clean version of your game, that's what we'll do, because that way we won't have all this lame nonsense crammed on our PC's.
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