F.E.A.R. 3 Trailer

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That article there makes it sound like the first game was developed for pc and the console versions were ports. Maybe that is why the first one was good and the second one sucked. Idk, I never played them. I might consider it this time if they use a new engine. Those graphics on the other two are extremely outdated.
The first one is awesome. Best scare game I have ever played. I think a lot of people can agree with that. If anything, play the first one and pass up the rest seriously.
I played fear 2 ever since it came out. I only play it one time. I'm planning on going to play it again sometime later in the future. Well anyways I hope fear 3 does come out.
if fear 3 does come out im glad fetel and point man are back fear 2 sucked with out them and was so so so bad. once you finish the game you just want to scream wth is this crap and maybe burn the disk. the game play the whole way thru was good and interesting but the ending has nearly killed the franchise for me. im really hoping 3 can redeem the damage done from the ending of the second.
I played an hour of FEAR 2 and haven't really had the urge to go back. Unless the community likes FEAR 3 and it gets good reviews....I will not buy it.
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