Earth and Beyond questions

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As an original beta tester for the game I can say that several of the disapointments about the game brought up by the Gamespot reviewer were prevelent throughout beta testing also. Most notably to me as to the reviewer was the almost complete lack of incentive to group together. There is an experience bonus when grouped together and destroying monsters, but the "balanceing" system that decides how much exp you get from doing so in a group ridiculously penalized experienced players for grouping with lower levels to assist them. You often get less than half the exp for destroying a monster than you would have gotten alone.

I think this may have made a fairly decent original single player game, as the storyline of the 3 races is fleshed out fairly well in the initial training and skills missions. But the game simply has very little incentive for people to work together and actualy penalizes the above average players who may be trying to help those who are just learning the game.

After several months of beta testing, and being in the #1 guild in the game durring that time, it was with a sad and dissapointed heart I decided not to participate in the retail release of the game. It could have been so much more....
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