DVD Player not working


In Runtime
The DVD player in my pc will not work.

I have gone into properties etc and the system tells me that it is working normally (it isn't).

I have tried to update the driver and once again the system tells my that the latest driver is already installed.

If I put a DVD in, it does not automatically start to play. I am using Windows 8.1 and if I go into 'File Explorer' the DVD is showing the title of the DVD that is in the drive. If I double click on it I am then shown that there are two files, a Video_TS and a Audio_TS

If I click on Video_TS it then tells me that there are 33 files. I can click on any one of these files but it still won't work.

I thought that if you insert a CD or DVD into the player it would automatically start to play with something like Windows Media Player but mine doesn't.

Any thoughts anyone, please.

A very Happy Christmas to anyone who may read this. And an EXTRA Happy one to anyone who can solve my problem. Thanks for looking.
Apparently when you click on your dvd drive you open the DVD in file manager. You want to play it. To play the DVD you should right click on the drive and choose something like auto play or "open with" then media player or whatever you use. In the "open with" menu, you can also choose a default action. So when you click on it the next time it will open in media player.

In properties there should be an option for auto playing movies. I can't really test it my self because i don't use DVD drives anymore. I don't have one installed in my computer.
When I right click on the DVD Icon I get the option to 'OPEN' which if I choose this I get the files come up again as mentioned in my original post (Video_TS and Audio_TS)

I also get 'OPEN IN NEW WINDOW' which gives me the same again.

I also get 'OPEN AUTOPLAY' and it doesn't matter how many time I double click on this, absolutely nothing happens.

Thanks for your help so far BikerEcho and Celery
hmm. have you looked in properties? Check to see if there is any auto play options.

I can also recommend VLC. VLC should fix your issue. Just chose open with VLC.
If for some reason you still have issues, open VLC and then click files -> then "open" -> then choose your dvd drive.
Yes Yes Yes.................VLC did the trick, thank you so very much for your help with this.
I recently found some old VHS tapes from the eighties and had them transferred to DVD and have now been able to watch them and enjoy the memories. Family members who are no longer with us......BRILLIANT........thank you so much.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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