CS = Overrated ?

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thats a valid point BlindApex, I have two old computers which are really too old to run any recent games. so I have my 400mhz ibm run Diablo 1 and gunbound, and my 1ghz clone run counterstrike and quake3 and my current 2.8 ghz run everything else.
hey do u know if cs will work on a new computer with windows XP cause it doesnt say it will in the system requirements or nething?? just wonderin
Defending the CSers

Chubz said:
4. Around 90% of the people online either use the wall hack or have an aimbot.....why? Because CS doesnt have an anti-hack system such as punkbuster....and mainly due to age.....

I don't think that 90 percent of the people use cheats... When I first started this game, I also thought that the majority of the people use cheats, just because they kill me, but when you get better and become more experienced, you understand the game better, and see that the people in fact aren't cheating, but just good. Most people that are accused of "wall hacking" are just using their sound... If you don't want people cheating, go to lan games or join a league with a clan. You can't really do anything about cheaters in public servers. I agree on the bad video quality on Counter-Strike, but I mainly play it for it's realistic gameplay.
i spose ppl still play it because they love the challenge. because its all about reflexes and teamwork.

ppl only cheat because they suck donkey balls at it and its the only way they can feel special.

plus theres the added fact that ppl still play it for the cash.
paul_kerslake said:
hey do u know if cs will work on a new computer with windows XP cause it doesnt say it will in the system requirements or nething?? just wonderin

I have XP and the game would not install in the usual fashion. I had to go to the start menu, go to run, click the CD drive that the game disk is in, and then click cz_setup. All of my other games install from the installation menu on the game, but not CS CZ.

However, after about a half an hours worth of playing I realized that I had wasted $40 and the time and energy spent on getting the game to install. Had this game came out 4 years ago it would have been decent, but in 2004 the graphics are dated and the gameplay is boring.
Chubz said:
I was just wondering If i am the only person that thinks this???

I dont mean to offend anyone who really likes CS, but in my opinion, I think the game sucks and gets boring after playing for just like 10 minutes.

I do credit it for setting a new level for modding, but still, I do not find it to be very entertaining because of a number of reasons.

1. Almost ALL of the people that play are addicts.

2. Most of the weapons are useless. I mean, cmon people, how many guys do you see actually using a large majority of the weapons? We all know that the only weapons worth using are the AK and the M16 (and the magnum if you're a newb!) :D

3. The graphics and engine used to run the game is ancient, and has grown so old that it is almost PITIFUL looking.

4. Around 90% of the people online either use the wall hack or have an aimbot.....why? Because CS doesnt have an anti-hack system such as punkbuster....and mainly due to age.....

Anyways, these are just my personal opinions on why I think the game sucks, so if anyone agrees or even disagrees just let me know.

I dont mean to start a flame war or anything! Once again, for those of you who I make mad by starting this thread....THESE ARE JUST MY OPINIONS.

Ok, now get to replying!! :)
yeah i guess it is over rated i dont think it sux but i do think it is a little over rated as you said the graphics a poor and the bots are a dumb as my brother (lol)
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