Company of Heroes vs Command and Conquer 3

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Company of Hero's is my prefered game really. Strategies are a bit more unique, and the game looks better. Downside is relic is on drugs when it comes to balance, and the community is the biggest bunch of whiners I've ever met (Read the relic forum thread on "Smurfing") It's also quite smaller than C&C's community though this is a good thing for me.

Personally I suggest get the demo's for both and just see which you like better, but C&C3 just seems too cookie cutter for me. (Though admittadly, C&C pretty much MADE said cookie cutter)
I have played both and theyre both awsome if your going for graphics go Company of Heroes, The story for it is deep and well worth it the new one is well worth it too... I am a fan of command and conquer and the third one was ok it could have been better... but I would recomend company of heroes
this topic is more than a year old.... why are you guys reviving my old thread?

haha well since someone did I might as well comment:

For whoever said its a choice between WW2 and future-war...thats the worst comparison between these two games ever. Era doesn't even matter since most of the weapons are still used ( C&C 3 tank spam, aircraft rarely used ), the biggest comparison is one game focused on micro squad based battles with a lot of emphasis on cover and realism ( COH ) and one game focused on traditional old school tank spam with a few dashes of strategy ( engineer rushes etc ). Both are good games in my opinion, although i prefer C&C3, COH got way more praise from all the critics, and the games engine is simply amazing.
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