C++ Data Pointer Question

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I am a self-taught C++er. Since I taught myself, I will admin it wasn't the best education, but it got the job done for simple C++ patches to some of my favorite open-source programs.

Recently, I decided to take a crash-course in making Windows Forms with the Windows Form maker embedded in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003. My goal was to make a program that allowed users to send "net send" messages to other people. Now before you say this is a stupid idea, consider this:
  • Some of the computers I want to use this on have the command prompt disabled
  • net send is a great Windows-only feature, and since I'm using a Windows Form, I wouldn't be tempted to port this to another OS (I like perfection :) )

I have a function that gathers a list of names of computers on the local network (LAN), using the .NET API function NetServerEnum(...). Out of it I extracted the actual names of the network computers, which are sent to this function:

std::string print_si(SERVER_INFO_101 *pSI){
	printf("%-16.16S", pSI->sv101_name);
	//pSI->sv101_name is type LPWSTR _SERVER_INFO_101::sv101_name

	return std::string(pSI->sv101_name);

Now, I half-copied this function from a tutorial on NetServerEnum. The printf() line was inserted there by the original author, and that works perfectly, returning the server name -- but to the command line. My method, which is shown on the last line (return), is MY shoddy attempt at converting pSI to a std::string. However, my method only gives me the first letter of each domain name on the network. I would like it to return the entire name. The first example works great-- if it didn't' dump to stdout.

I need a way to convert pSI to a full length domain name contained in an std::string for use later. How would I do that?

If you need more of the program I can give it to you.
Maybe use sprintf function? Print to a string instead of stdout?

I dunno, I never use std::string. If I was doing Windows Forms and .NET I'd use the .NET String classes.
Wow, thanks man! Since I never got that formal C++ education I didn't know such a function like sprintf existed. Greatly appreciated! I'll have a link to the program when I finish adding this new function.
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