BF3 Cheaters

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PP Mguire

Build Guru
Fort Worth, Texas
Am I the only one who consistently finds himself in a server with at least 1 cheater? :doh:
Seriously, at least every other server I get in to has some form of ridiculous obvious hacker that really ruins the online experience for me. Whether it be a sniper spawn camping from under ground, a sniper flying around on a bot not ever dieing, or a guy who can always stay outside of the map without consequence. How about those guys in Canals that run around with an automatic shotgun who never have to reload and can always 1 hit you no matter the distance without ever dieing. Yea, love those too, I'm sure they legitimately got that 73-0 score. :very_angry:
I quit playing Modern Warfare because of this nonsense. People ruin a perfectly good game. Until steam does something about it like they used to, I'm boycotting Modern Warfare.
I've hit a few servers with these clowns, but not many. I report any I come across and move on to a different server. It doesn't matter the game... there will always be these kinds of losers.
Here is a new one for me. There was a guy on the bridge on Tehran Highway. Nobody could kill him, or just nobody knew he was up there but me.
I must suck at spotting cheaters or it's an american thing because I seldom see cheaters in any MP games. I think i've seen one in my time playing BF3, and even then I wasn't sure.
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