Any1 here play guitar?

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Yea i promised a better picture back then cause the one i took was w/ a camera phone. Oh yea i also forgot my other amp. Here it is.
Another picture removed to maintain the forum layout width...
My marshall microstack is pretty awesome. Lasted me quite a while as a great amp with a pretty full and clean sound. The peavy halfstack of course long since took it's thrown, but I will be taking the marshall with me up to seattle. Obviously I can't take a halfstack to student housing :p Even the marshall will probably be too loud.

I just wish marshalls weren't so friggen expensive
amen man ive been saving up for a guitar and after im done with paying for that it will be right back to saving for a amp =(
I paid $754 for my peavy halfstack. That was as 4x12 300w cabinet with a 100w head. I couldn't afford a better head as the prices skyrocketed after going above the 100w lol.
wow hmmm i think im gonna have to get a summer job them ahahaha o wait they don't give 15 year olds summer time jobs mabye theres alotta old people somewhere than need their lawn mowed
Yeah I had $1500 saved up in the bank. A friend had told me about a little music store and they had some good people and nice stuff so we went to check it out. I was wanting to move on from my marshall to something with more balls :D

I wasn't sure if I'd buy anything that day though. This dude let me jam on it with a sweet Ibanez, although by this time I've long forgotten what kind of Ibanez, I just remember it was fun jamming on it and it had EMG humbuckers like a lot of em do.

Anywho, some other dude came in and was being a jerk and was all "If you're not gonna buy that then you're gonna have to stop playing, it's going on sale right now" and $100 was cut off the price right then and there. I said YEAH, WELL I THINK I WILL BUY IT PAL! Had to drive to the bank to take out the money, made sure that dude held it for the 10 minutes I was gone lol.

That thing barely fit into my car, but I was happy as fly on poop :D
Well looks like my pictures where taken off :rolleyes: but oh well some ppl got to seem them. My Peavey Supreme160 works well still and i let SOME of my friends borrow it (like 1 or 2) but my Marshall has long since taken over. You can deny 350watts of power lol. I just need to send my Flying-V in to get the neck fixed and ill be set.
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