a food thread!

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me and pizza hut....

HARPER :- I would like a Do It Yourself Pizza.... Thin and Chrispy... 4 Lots of Cheeze.
PIZZA HUT :- That sounds like it's the cheeze lovers you are ordering.
HARPER :- No that it s Thin and Chrispy with 4 Lots of Cheeze. The difference being is when you microwave it for breakfast in the morning, it does not like taste like cardboard. You Cheeze Loves tastes like cardboard the second it goes cold.

My Ex-GF used to hate it how I would never older a no standard pizza. It's was always a combination of my own design.
Eg. Bacon, Black Olives, Anchovise and Onion is one of my favorites.
The General said:
Anchovies are DISGUSTING. I am vomiting right now just at the thought of them.

same here. can still taste them in my mind.......uuugh

The pizza in my pic is actually Hawaiian. Hawaiian tastes good. I know there are some of you that will go like "I usually don't like my fruits baked with cheese and meat" lol.

Juice Daddy said:
I know the feeling :(

...I am trying to decide what flavor I should get tonight...beef or chicken....maybe shrimp?

I'm kidding, luckily tonight I will be getting some real food :D.
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