2003 Outlook Question

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In Runtime
That one place
I keep geting a email from (useless name)@ms2.hinet.net I sent it to my Block email list but it keeps coming through, is it useless just trying to block these people or is there another way to block this, Sorry for wasting your time with this question but I thought I'd jus ask anyway, any help would be appreciated.

This is my work email and never used it to register anything oh crap nevermind I used it to register to DriverGuide.com thingy. Thank you for your time.
Contact the IT department so that they can add it to the Exchange Server Spam Filter. That should stop it. Since you are just using Outlook, it will be flagged as spam and put into the junk folder but it will still be downloaded. Only adding it to the Spam Filter of the email server will it prevent it from ever getting to you.
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