Recent content by jdon285

  1. J

    how to rename start

    Kinda cool :)
  2. J

    What do ur parents do?

    Hard to believe but true. That was before they handed out the 1 hour time outs like you get <sniff>
  3. J

    What do ur parents do?

    Re: Dude, that makes NNNOOOOOO sense lol....seriously, all day as in ALL DAY, specified amount of time meaning 1 week 2 weeks or whatever.
  4. J

    What do ur parents do?

    I had an evil step-dad, my grounding consisted of sitting on a hard wood stool facing a wall ALL day for a specified amount of time. Worse thing you can imagine, 2-weeks at a time!!!! arggggg THE MEMORIES are returning!!!!! Of course I wasn't the most well behaved kid either ;)
  5. J

    Hard Drive Jumpers

    Do you have any old boards, cards or drives laying around? Or any local pc store or repair shop may just give ya one. I've never bought any so I'm not sure who has them, maybe try radio shack?
  6. J

    Landlord Denying Internet

    Can you post a pic?
  7. J

    Landlord Denying Internet

    Also the Trap that is on your line now sounds like a "Limited Basic" trap. All that does is give you the lowest amount af cable channels like 22 channels instead of 78 which is very common if the landlord is paying for the cable. This wouldn't have anything to do with the internet though, it...
  8. J

    Landlord Denying Internet

    I work for a Major Cable Company and the only filter that would have anything to do with the connection is a trap to keep internet subscribers from recieving video, it only lets in the modem signal. If you have a modem and got it from the cable company it SHOULD work. Make sure the modem line...
  9. J

    Can any wireless internet card...

    Not really, I prefer the Linsys myself, you can pay more for better longer range cards also. USB works too.
  10. J

    Can any wireless internet card...

    any wireless card will work.
  11. J

    Hardware problem

    This should work for ya, you can find singles locally as well.
  12. J

    Probs with phpbb

    Been awhile for me, but make sure your file permissions are set correctly.
  13. J

    Help w/ USB wireless adapter

    Make sure you install the drivers "Before" you plug in the adapter.
  14. J


    Newegg is bound to figure it out anyway, they'd even take care of ya for your trouble i'll bet.
  15. J

    which forum package

    My experience with PHPBB is the mods that are available, forum support and security patches can't be beat, they are awsome! I can't really think of anything I didn't like about. I used it for a few years at a golf site I used to run. After awhile I changed it to php nuke and used phpbb as a...
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