favorite caffine drink

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does bawls & md's energy drink cost about as much as red bull?
or is it cheaper?
just asking cause i work p.t. at a beer wharehouse, but we also sell some n/a.
red bull has the biggest profit markup of any of our other products.
some of our wines may have a bigger markup, but i cant think of any offhand.
if people knew how much money they were making, red bull would die.
its not so much that red bull make the money,
but its set up that way so distributer see how much money they can make, and so do gas stations. thats why its always in easy reach at the store.
the price triples by the time it gets to the store shelf
from what ive seen, bawls and md's cost less. but ive also seen the prices vary, but in every place bawls and md(i think that mountain dew, sorry) cost less
bawls comes in a big can too right?
red bulls like 8 oz. for at least a buck and a half.
we buy it for les s than 50 cents(fiddy cent) a can at work.
the only time ive ever had red bull was at the bar and it was holding a little shot of yager for me :)
but i do drink alot of coffe
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