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Baseband Member
Looking for a tip of the day here. I am a freshman in highschool over the pass month I prepared for and pass both of the A+ certification tests (only a few questions from perfect!!!). Now I am registerd to take the Network+ exam. Is it to hard? Any studing tips? Anyways after I complete that I will start working towards my MCSE, I have been working with Server 2003 and 2008 for about a year now. I that the right path to take? Thanks for you advice and tips!
Sounds like you are on the right path (right path being as long as you like it, do it).

If you passed the A+ that easily the net+ will be pretty easy. Its only one exam. Study the same exact way you did for the net+ and you'll do fine (the exam structure is almost identical).

As for the MCSE, i would suggest looking into MCITP instead. MCSE only covers up to server 2003, something that a lot of companies are starting to move away from. Do yourself the favor of getting certified on the latest software (server 2008). They have a few MCITP certifications out there for server 2008, see which one fits you and go for it.

The setup is similar to MCSE, just a bit more specific. MCSE requires i think 7 exams and covers server 2003 and XP. MCITP requires 5 exams and covers server 2008, vista/windows 7.

MCITP (Microsoft Certified IT Professional) | Training Courses for IT Professionals
As far as the Network+ is concerned, it doesn't have too much concerning Server OSes. Just a couple pointers, know the pinouts for all types of cables, 66 and 110 blocks, and know your fiber connectors. You are "required" to know OC-X lines and their throughputs . (I scored a 876/900). One thing that helped me a TON was going back to previous questions on the exam. I was able to cross reference questions to previous questions on the exam and deduce the right answer when I had no clue to the answers otherwise.
(I don't know what study material you are using but LabSim helped me a great deal and Mike Meyers' Certification Passport: Network+ did NOT help. It was almost useless.)
I uses labsim. Thanks for the tips. I was taking about MCSE and MCITP for future certifications.
Good plan, especially if you already have all of the material. I have a friend doing the exact same thing, going to get the MCSE then upgrade it to MCITP. I'm just going straight for the MCITP.
Just quick update (not that anyone cares) I passed first try with a 840 / 900.(give or take a few can remeber the exact)
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