New to pc building but not to computers, hello all

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Hey guys, i was looking for some advice on my first build, and this seemed to be quite a popular forum, so i joined and made a post that is apparently awaiting mod approval.

Im 22, currently a car mechanic, and in july im going back to school for IT and network administration, and i understand the software side of things and some most specs, but ive never built a pc before piece by piece, and i figured now is the time to do it. so here i am.
Great to have you with us, nick.

If you can work on cars then putting together a PC will be a cake walk for you. It is actually super simple to do and much easier then changing the plugs and wires on my wife's '99 Expedition.
Ive gotten lucky before, my mom brought me home a few dud servers that her work didnt want like 8 years ago, and i made a frankenstein server that i hosted games on for when i was at school, but i had no idea about static discharge or how to piece things together.

my main concerns are making sure i get a decent motherboard, case, and a PSU that all fit and work well and have some room to expand down the road.
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