Wireless connection problem.... please help

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In Runtime
Saint Louis, Missouri
This problem is driving me completely nuts.

I have a linsky router model WRTP54G.

One of my computers on a Dlink wireless card. Not sure of the model number. Now I have no remote problems with wired connections. The problem I am encountering is wireless based.

At one point and time I had my wireless connection set up where it only allowed mac filtering, using a 26 WEP key, and I had the broadcast hidden. The name of my SSID was 3 names, for example "bad news bears". Now for some reason, the connection will not show up! Even if I broadcast the name it will not show up unless I remove the mac filtering. Then with the wep enabled if it does connect, it will only render a IP address. Going further if I repair, I end up with the usual 169. Only if I broadcast and drop both connections can I connect. Then sometimes it still will not show the broadcast unless I disable the connection and renable it.

Can anyone enlighten me or give me some good tips?
How far away from the wireless router? Any interference, like cordless phone, microwave, bluetooth devices, etc?

Also, changing the channel/frequency could help also.
Yes I have heard that these things could bother the connection, cordless phone, microwave, bluetooth devices, etc?
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