Why cant you install OS X on a normal computer?

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Not only do they not sell OS X for Intel yet (and they won't until 2007 when 10.5 comes out), but if they did, you wouldn't be able to install it on anything but a Mac, this is because they have a piece of hardware the installer looks for to verify that it is indeed a Mac.

And no, companies have not being doing it for years, OS X for Intel only came out a year ago. VMware doesn't have a PPC emulator. Maybe PearPC, but like I said, thats extremely slow and crappy.

Don't kid yourself.
The General said:
they have a piece of hardware the installer looks for to verify that it is indeed a Mac.

And the week after (okay, exaggerating a little), there'll be a BitTorrent image of the DVD with that funtion removed. :p
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