What are you playing now?

What I meant by you don't have to use origins is it might run but you never have to look at it, like trotter said I just run it in the background and sign in on battlelog which automatically signs me in on origin.
Really hasn't bothered me as of yet.. amazing how fast so many people jumped on BF3 because of Origin but I've grown to really like it.​

CPU: Intel Core i7 2600k
GPU: Gaming PC GTX 560Ti
Ram: 16GB Corsair Vengeance
Mobo: Gigabyte

Never got the hang of SimCity, it was too tempting to just send a giant robot to attack or create hurricanes everywhere :D
Societies has a different approach at SimCity and I like it. I tried playing 4 but couldn't get into it. I also couldn't really get into Sims 3 either besides using cheats to build my own badass house with unlimited money.

Edit: It keeps crashing so Mechwarrior it is.
I played the original SimCity a lot when I was eight or so, until I got a new computer and it wouldn't run on XP :p Then I played 2000 a fair bit, and tried out 4 when it came out and didn't like it.
I played the original SimCity a lot when I was eight or so, until I got a new computer and it wouldn't run on XP :p Then I played 2000 a fair bit, and tried out 4 when it came out and didn't like it.
Whaaaaaaat? There was nothing I couldn't run in XP. I didn't like 4 either.

Hey PP....post some screenshots of this in the screenshot thread if you get a chance.
Will do, if it doesn't crash anymore. Currently downloading the latest client of Living Legends so I'll try again when I'm done.
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