*Unverified* Fermi benchmarks

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Fully Optimized
Suffolk, VA
GF100 outperforms ATi's 5870 by 46% on average
GF100 outperforms ATi's 5970 by 8% on average

The GF100 gets 148 fps in DiRT2
The GF100 gets 73 fps in Crysis2
The GF100 gets 82 fps in AvP3

*GTX misnomers removed due to Business NDA*

GF100's maximum load temperature is 55 C.

The release week of GF100 is Mar 02nd

These are unconfirmed benchmarks of Fermi cards. The guy releasing these benchmarks is a Nivida engineer, he goes by rahja the theif.

For more info on the cards and to read what that guy has to say about fermi, see this monsterous thread over at OCN

[Guru] Legit nVidia Specs/Benchmarks - Overclock.net - Overclocking.net

If all of this is right, then i think ATI is in trouble. But remember these are UNCONFIRMED ;)
The only time a new gpu has beaten the previous generations top dual gpu part by a significant margin was the 8800GTX vs 7950GX2 (and that as much due to the immaturity of dual gpu as G80's performance) so I think it is unlikely that Gf100 would be >40% faster than a GTX 295.

Also keep in mind that even if these benches are accurate ATI's next gen (HD 6xx0?) parts are rumored to be released sometime in September which is only 6 months after Fermi is supposed to be available so in a way those cards are what nvidia really needs to worry about.
if they are only about 8% faster than the 5970's than that means they could be about 8% more expensive. Probably alot more..
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