Technology helping newborn babies


Solid State Member
Lynnwood, USA
I found this article today, it's pretty cool. My company has a technology called InnerSense that takes newborn babies' temperatures while feeding them at the same time. We're launching a study with Duke University to find out the effects of temperature on newborns with low birth-weight, and the technology will help monitor them while keeping them as comfortable as possible. Check it out below if you're interested:

Philips and Duke University collaborate to study impact of continuous temperature monitoring in preventing heat loss causing mortality in low weight infants | Business - Press Releases | | The Providence Journal
It s amazing!!! I love all those problems in wich Technology can help us. It is not only pretty good for babies but for health care in general
Fascinating. I have some personal experience with this.

In 1989, my wife and I had twin 13 week premature daughters. One weighed 1 1/2 lbs and the other just under a pound. Technology like this wasn't available then. The smaller of the two lived 1 month so I don't think this technology would have benefited her since it seems to only be directed at the first 24 hours of life. It's hard to say though, that if her core temperature had been better regulated during the critical first 24 hrs, would that have made a difference in her survival? The other twin is now 25 years old and graduating from college this month.
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