So who's getting pounded by snow/ice?

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OMG!! get ready for the worst storm since 1980?


See that thing pointing? thats where I am.... The weather is headed straight north. Plus we have lake effect snow that adds 4 more inches.

We are due for 15" :silent:
And blizzard conditions.
5 inches today, gonna hold up a bit tonight then that storm's gonna plow on through. were expecting like 12-20 when all's said and done. SO PUMPED :D
No snow here in denver (I don't consider 3 inches snow) but it's colder than a witches teet. The high for today is -1. Didn't even get a delay for work.
Mind, it was that way over Texas last night. TEXAS! We got alot of ice. I went outside and videod earlier and realized our whole driveway and most of the road was a solid sheet of ice.
A friend of my wife posted on my FB wall about the snow they are getting: "14 inches 2 hours ago - know its more than that now. (That not even in one of our huge drifts) expecting up to 26 inches. 8-10 foot drifts - Over our head! One of worst storms here ever. Happy to be warm n have (electricity so far)." She is on the western edge of Illinois, between Springfield and Quincy.
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