SM 2.0 patch for SCCT

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Mr. Switch

Fully Optimized
Ubisoft recently released a patch for splinter cell chaos theory that included SM 2.0! so for dale, beedubaya, and dhw that want to play SCCT in Dx9, can now do so with out buying a Geforce 6 or 7 series card.

The only changes in visual quality between SM 2.0 and 1.1 are that the specular lighting isn't held back by SM 1.1 so the player doesn't see the outline of the specular lighing anymore. but no need to fear ATi owners, there are some special effects added with SM 2.0...

...because of SM 2.0's limited capabilites when compared to SM 3.0, the only effect that SM 2.0 could support is parallax mapping. thats it. no HDR whatsoever, so no tone mapping with the HDR, and no supersampling of the dynamic lighting like what SM 3.0 cards can do. But hey, at least those with X-xx0's don't have to play in Dx8 anymore!

Cool... but where's the map editor functions for coop maps!? :(

I wanna see more custom coop maps, heck, I'd even make one.. a crapy one yes, but one none-the-least. :p
In response to this patch, I finally went out and bought the game, and man its amazing. And yes, it does let you use Soft Shadows, HDR, Tone mapping, and everything else SM3.0 does, only with SM 2.0! I will have to look more into this, but if SM2.0 can do these things, it really may demise the importance of SM3.0.
beedubaya said:
In response to this patch, I finally went out and bought the game, and man its amazing. And yes, it does let you use Soft Shadows, HDR, Tone mapping, and everything else SM3.0 does, only with SM 2.0! I will have to look more into this, but if SM2.0 can do these things, it really may demise the importance of SM3.0.

2.0 is just harder to code in and not as efficent
beedubaya said:
In response to this patch, I finally went out and bought the game, and man its amazing. And yes, it does let you use Soft Shadows, HDR, Tone mapping, and everything else SM3.0 does, only with SM 2.0! I will have to look more into this, but if SM2.0 can do these things, it really may demise the importance of SM3.0.

Thank you for adding this, from all of the sources and forums that i read about this, the only thing that people mentioned that SM 2.0 would do is the parallax mapping. i couldn't see this first-hand becuase I don't have a SM 2.0 video card anymore, maybe its because all these people were using 9800 Pro's and not X-series cards. people with X-series of video cards may be able to use the extra lighing effects becuase of the enhanced SM 2.0 functions possible with the X700 and up.
Thanks for thinking of us Switch! Now, if only i can get the game lol

*Claps for Ubi*
no problem! :D today when i was at circuit city, i saw SCCT for $30 i think. its a really good series, and chaos theory IMO is the best stealth game to ever grace the PC.
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