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How do you put out dlc the same day you release I'm looking at you dead island riptide especially cause you are essentially dlc

Not going to touch that Dead Island: Riptide is or isn't DLC, because it DOES look like a DLC in disc format.

Depending on how fast or different the DLC is: during the game's development, resources can be pulled which are not longer being used for the main game and be put to work on DLC.

Artists work mostly in the beginning and halfway thru the alpha stage before being reallocated or let go completely from the project/studio. At this point, they could be used to create new models, textures and concept art for the DLC or Expansion.

The same with Game Designers, they will always want to add more into the game regardless of what part of the development cycle they are in. Once they hit the alpha state though, they are quite restricted on what they can and can't add at that point. So any ideas can then become plans for DLC. The DLC is then worked on while the game enters the polishing state (Beta).
Day one DLC to me is like swiping a bag when your up eight runs in the ninth. Yes, technically you're not doing anything against the rules as the point of the game is to try and score as many runs as you can, but let's face it, doing so makes you look like a total block.

The problem with first day DLC is the perception that developers are purposly stripping content from the main game just to nickel and dime another $5 or $10 out of their customers; the while not every developer practices this, some do (yes, I'm pointing at you EA and Capcom). Because of this, the public perception automatically attributes day one DLC as stripped content being sold.

Whether it's legit or not, just don't do it. Give people the chance to enjoy your game for what it is, and then maybe in another month or two add a few things to keep it fresh.
Day one DLC to me is like swiping a bag when your up eight runs in the ninth. Yes, technically you're not doing anything against the rules as the point of the game is to try and score as many runs as you can, but let's face it, doing so makes you look like a total block.

The problem with first day DLC is the perception that developers are purposly stripping content from the main game just to nickel and dime another $5 or $10 out of their customers; the while not every developer practices this, some do (yes, I'm pointing at you EA and Capcom). Because of this, the public perception automatically attributes day one DLC as stripped content being sold.

Whether it's legit or not, just don't do it. Give people the chance to enjoy your game for what it is, and then maybe in another month or two add a few things to keep it fresh.

I agree with the perception thing, and that is the biggest problem with it. I understand the 'disc locked' content as well when the game is a fighting genre (nothing else though).

But to be honest, most people want to release DLC while their game is fresh and new. When a game is just newly launched, there is a lot of traffic generated and popping that "extra 8 alternative skins content now available" ad in the main menu ensures a lot of people will see it.
I agree about the perception thing and I also see what Forsakend is saying and was going to say that same thing, but he beat me to it. As an example think about BF3...the DLC was generally well done but it seemed like very few people (that I know anyway) were still playing when the last two packs came out regardless of how good the content was. Now EA smartly got their money up front with the Premium thing, but a lot of people had moved on and I imagine that timing DLC isn't easy so I can see, sort of, where early DLC comes from.
I agree about the perception thing and I also see what Forsakend is saying and was going to say that same thing, but he beat me to it. As an example think about BF3...the DLC was generally well done but it seemed like very few people (that I know anyway) were still playing when the last two packs came out regardless of how good the content was. Now EA smartly got their money up front with the Premium thing, but a lot of people had moved on and I imagine that timing DLC isn't easy so I can see, sort of, where early DLC comes from.

I absolutely agree with everything you guys are saying; I know why developers do it, all I was saying was that, fair or not, it's looked upon as a shady business practice.
I guess we sort of knew this was coming - multiplayer is most likely coming to the next Batman: Arkham game:

Kotaku: 'Batman: Arkham Origins' will have multiplayer - Washington DC DC Console Game | Examiner.com

From what I've read thus far, the game mode will let players choose allegiance to either Bane or Joker, and depending on whom you choose, you'll have certain skill sets that coincide.

The multiplayer will let you take on the role of one of Joker's/Bane's henchmen in a series of structured missions in an attempt to take out both Batman and Robin. No word yet on how many players are allowed per game, customization (and if so, how deep), or any sort of leveling system.
I absolutely agree with everything you guys are saying; I know why developers do it, all I was saying was that, fair or not, it's looked upon as a shady business practice.

I understand it but am more turned off by it than I am sympathetic to their need.
I guess we sort of knew this was coming - multiplayer is most likely coming to the next Batman: Arkham game:

Kotaku: 'Batman: Arkham Origins' will have multiplayer - Washington DC DC Console Game | Examiner.com

From what I've read thus far, the game mode will let players choose allegiance to either Bane or Joker, and depending on whom you choose, you'll have certain skill sets that coincide.

The multiplayer will let you take on the role of one of Joker's/Bane's henchmen in a series of structured missions in an attempt to take out both Batman and Robin. No word yet on how many players are allowed per game, customization (and if so, how deep), or any sort of leveling system.

Co-op multiplayer missions would be cool, but straight up mp not so much.
Does Dead Space 3 have local co-op I am trying to find a game me and the lasy friend can play together. Dudes i found a chick that likes to play video games its awseome. She isnt hard core like we are but is willing to try anything its awesome
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