One Billion Songs!

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The Original Mac User

Apple has finally sold (legally) One Billion songs from the iTunes music store!


I wish I could've been that 1,000,000,000th song buyer!
A 20 inch Intel iMac, 10,000 song downloads, and 10 VIDEO iPods!?

Lol, what can you do with 10 ipods? I guess you can buy a lot of songs on itunes with $10000, but that would hardly fill 10 60GB ipods. Thats 600GB of music space! (well, almost)
Personally, I would take the computer 1 60GB iPod and feel charitable and give some of the other ones away and then sell some others for some extra cash :)
GameGURU said:
Personally, I would take the computer 1 60GB iPod and feel charitable and give some of the other ones away and then sell some others for some extra cash :)

Are you serious? lol

I would've kept the computer, the songs, and all ten iPods!

And then I wouldv'e created some sort of RAID setup for my 10 iPods and then I'd have 600gbs of portable storage heck yes! mwahahahaha

mac_mogul said:
Are you serious? lol

I would've kept the computer, the songs, and all ten iPods!

And then I wouldv'e created some sort of RAID setup for my 10 iPods and then I'd have 600gbs of portable storage heck yes! mwahahahaha

For the selling price of half those iPods you could get a MUCH faster (and probably more reliable, as iPod HDs aren't exactly meant for that purpose) 600GB of just as portable storage.
I did find it odd that Apple gave away 10 60gb Video iPods, but only enough songs to partially fill only one of them. :confused:
Most people don't fill their iPods with music, I know of many who also have videos and podcasts and such along with files or even backups of crucial files that are of their computer.

But yea you'd think if they were going to give away 10 iPods they'd give away 10 10,000 iTunes song giftcards.
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