Nvidia specific games?

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Just to show some proof, here is a screenshot of CoD 2 maxed out on my X800 Pro...at 1280x1024 and 4x AA...I didn't reduce the size of this because it has to be full size for you to see its cruddiness.


This is one game I won't spend a penny on.
jesus....that's ridiculous....I'll post a screen here in a little while after a torrent is done downloading
I played it on highest possible settings on my X850 XT, it looked fantastic. Looked a lot more like what nubius posted than what beed did. When i get the chance, ill take a screenshot
dhw200 said:
I played it on highest possible settings on my X850 XT, it looked fantastic. Looked a lot more like what nubius posted than what beed did. When i get the chance, ill take a screenshot

I bet it didn't....it only plays in DX7 on ATI cards, and I bet you don't have any shadows.
does the heat haze work for you? I think I can see it going on in the background there on the left, but it's hard to tell since it's not moving and all?
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