Networking a printer at home

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Solid State Member
Hi all

I have a desktop at home and have recently purchased a laptop in addition. I have a printer hooked up to my desktop and wondered if it is possible to print from my laptop on it via the wireless connection.

I have installed a wireless router and have hardwired the desktop into the back of this. Both this and the wireless laptop share the internet connection absolutely fine.

The router says that you can network a printer via it, but it doesn't say how. There is no network type cable socket on the printer, it is just connected via USB to my desktop.

Any help would be great.

Microsoft Windows Help provides and excellent - to the point - setup for sharing a printer over a network or creating a network.

Click Start > Help & Support (or press F1 while at the desktop).
In the search field type: Printer Sharing and search

Pick a Task: Share your Printer.

Here you will find everything you need to know.
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