Multiple Burner Failures with Nero 6

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This is a recent problem with XP Pro and Service Pack2 (Problem did not occur with XP Home). When I use two burniers in Nero 6 and burn more than 1 copy, the second copy is hanging up at about 86% and then then burn fails. It will do the same thing in single copy mode with multiple burners unless I exit Nero after each Burn. Is this a DMA issue? Should I clear the upper and Lower filters? Very strange and I'm getting tired of round filing Cd-R's two at a time.

Intel D865PERL mobo wiht Prescott 3.0gig, 800FSB HT
Benq 16x40x24 DVD+/- DVDRW
Sony 52x24x52 CD-RW
2 gigs of DDR 400 value ram in DC
2x Gadget Labs PCI 8 track Hd Recorders
Audigy Platinum
250gig WD Sata
200gig WD IDE
180gig WD usb IDE (all 7200rpm)
450watt PSU
Nvidia xFx (ick) 6800gt
I had a post around here somewhere addressing this. it is not a good idea to use multiple burner unless they are the exact same model. cdrwin and instant cd/dvd use to let use up to 32 devices at once. people were gettingf a lot of coasters because different model act differently.

some burner burn at a constant speed. you don't even see these anymore as they are expensive to make. nobody is going to pay 125-200 for a cd burner these days. most burners now go slow at first and then fast. but different model do this at different rates, so burn multiple copies is kinda hard to do it.

the process will work. but you will occasionally get coasters. if you have they same make and model burners, this shouldn't be an issue
Thanks Eric. It is interesting that I didn't have this problem in the past. I am trying to avoid buying a dedicated multiple CD burner workstation! ($3k). My two work stations were upgraded to P4 Prescotts early in 2005 and that's when this problem started. I finally just burned them single but burnig 100 demo's is a pain! In fact, on my old 428 with Rambus memory I could burn with 2 CDR's Ide and two in USB and never had an underburn error like I'm getting now. Oh's a problem only money can fix..Doh!!!
I suspect it was because the slower computer made both drives burn slower which made them act more alike and the faster computer took that away
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