Linux Emulator on Windows 7


Solid State Member

Does anybody here know of a way for me to familiarize myself with Linux and the Linux Terminal on my Win 7 notebook? Any credible free web app out there that emulates a Linux Terminal or Linux OS? Don't care which version. I am not familiar with Linux or any version of Linux, hence why I am asking.
Check out Cygwin for just the terminal.

You could always do a VM of a distro as well.

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I would recommend installing VirtualBox, and proceed to make a Virtual Machine with a linux distro you like to learn.

You would learn to install linux as well, and it doesn't matter if you mess it up..... because what happens in the Virtual Machine, stays in the Virtual Machine.

You can always wipe it, reinstall a new linux distro, and not affect your windows install in any way.

I do recommend at least 4 GB of RAM though (allocate 2 GB to the VM, it will of course only use it when it runs)

If you want to learn the ins and outs of popular linux distro's, I actually would recommend to start with Debian. It is the distro that more popular ones like Ubuntu and Mint are based on.
Great suggestions, thank you. Looking into Cygwin and VM options right now.
Check out Cygwin for just the terminal.

You could always do a VM of a distro as well.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

This. Most linux distros are free/open source. Besides a few like Red hat Enterprise.

I would recommend Ubuntu. Very User friendly.
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