Instant Game Collection

I am getting it for sure and am down to play with any of you d bags some time.

We can play sometime. Its only 2 player co-op. I think its fun for a couple of missions if you don't die and have to restart. I can't see myself playing it for more than an hour or so.
We can play sometime. Its only 2 player co-op. I think its fun for a couple of missions if you don't die and have to restart. I can't see myself playing it for more than an hour or so.

Cool. Yeah I figured as much. With these types of games I am always like "wow this is really good" for the first 20 minutes and then you start to peel back layers and see it for what it is. Oh well, at least it is free.
Cool. Yeah I figured as much. With these types of games I am always like "wow this is really good" for the first 20 minutes and then you start to peel back layers and see it for what it is. Oh well, at least it is free.

Well, I think with my hatred for zombie games and me playing for over an hour last night and wanting to play more today is a pretty good thing. The game is really pretty and has good gameplay mechanics. I like the two sticks.

When I first started playing I didn't think two sticks made sense and then it clicked and I kind of wish more games would implement it.
Well, I think with my hatred for zombie games and me playing for over an hour last night and wanting to play more today is a pretty good thing. The game is really pretty and has good gameplay mechanics. I like the two sticks.

When I first started playing I didn't think two sticks made sense and then it clicked and I kind of wish more games would implement it.

Are there save points in it like a real game?
Are there save points in it like a real game?

They use the same system as Left 4 Dead. You start a mission and there are checkpoints or safe places throughout the mission. So you can buy ammo and such and upgrade your weapons or equip different armor.
They use the same system as Left 4 Dead. You start a mission and there are checkpoints or safe places throughout the mission. So you can buy ammo and such and upgrade your weapons or equip different armor.

Hmm....interesting. I'm intrigued. Shame there isn't 4 person co-op.
So, I played this for 10 minutes last night aaaaaaaand.....I really didn't care for it at all. The camera feels too far away and the aiming gets weird sometimes. I'll keep it so I can co-op with people if we get bored, but sheesh I am not impressed at all.
So, I played this for 10 minutes last night aaaaaaaand.....I really didn't care for it at all. The camera feels too far away and the aiming gets weird sometimes. I'll keep it so I can co-op with people if we get bored, but sheesh I am not impressed at all.

If I had spent the $15 on it I would've been upset. But, for free, its fun.

I think its hard to be very critical of a game if you only played 10 minutes. This game definitely takes more than 10 minutes to understand why the camera is back a bit, and see why the dual analog sticks work.
If I had spent the $15 on it I would've been upset. But, for free, its fun.

I think its hard to be very critical of a game if you only played 10 minutes. This game definitely takes more than 10 minutes to understand why the camera is back a bit, and see why the dual analog sticks work.

You think? I think 10 minutes is plenty of time to make a judgement on this type of game. There is nothing to it. Might it take longer for me to get acclimated to the controls? Sure, I know I would get better with more time, but I doubt anything is going to happen that is going to change my mind about the game should I keep playing it.
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