If a zombie invasion ever occurred...

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luckily for you bobojuice the dead cannot be reanimated. so passing a morgue is safe. The problem is the waiting area, the emergency room, and the icu. where all of the freshly infected victims will be brought. stay away from there. the dead peeps wont give you any trouble. if i remember zombies actually avoid decaying flesh so the morgue could act as a natural repellent.
What makes you think the dead cant be reanimated. If movies have taught me nothing else, its that in the event of the zombie apocalypse anything living or dead can try to eat my brain.
To the thread starter, and any one else that might be interested.....


This book is your friend.
One thing I didn't list before I would love to use on a member of the family of the undead is a combine harvester that would be sweet *Puts Funker Voght's version of harvester of sorrow on*

OK question for you all you feel yourself becoming infected (28 day's latter or Resident evil film style) what would your contingency plan be?

@Harper I got that book!
What makes you think the dead cant be reanimated. If movies have taught me nothing else, its that in the event of the zombie apocalypse anything living or dead can try to eat my brain.

last i checked we were going off of the zombie survival guide. it states that a zombie is a human infected with the virus solanum. The virus reworks the brain and takes control of the body. it does not effect people who are already dead. So if you get infected it is effective to kill yourself to stop yourself from becoming a zombie. either way you might as well be dead.
last i checked we were going off of the zombie survival guide. it states that a zombie is a human infected with the virus solanum. The virus reworks the brain and takes control of the body. it does not effect people who are already dead. So if you get infected it is effective to kill yourself to stop yourself from becoming a zombie. either way you might as well be dead.

well is this book real? I mean there is no logical explaination of how ppl can really become zombies.

but to keep up this hype, i have another idea on how to defend myself from zombies.

well is this book real? I mean there is no logical explaination of how ppl can really become zombies.

Yes. The book is very real. I have a copy.
The book reads like one of those Cold War "How To Survive A Nuclear Bomb" hand book.
The line drawings look like them to, the Fight to Survive manual from 2002 rings a bell that was intended to be released to the general public AFTER a nuclear war 30,000 copys where printed then some one pointed out "Hey who is going to hand them out with little or no organised government left?" Most of the ones produced where pulped an turned into toilet paper for the navy from what I have been told.
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