If a zombie invasion ever occurred...

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Do we even need to fight the zombies? There pretty slow already. You can just tease em.

"oooo, your 5meters away.... now 4.9...... now 4.8...... now i move back one step. O well your back to 5."
Well, I would take my mouse, sharpen it with my walls, till its spear-like. Use a rubber-band and attach it to my keyboard, and BAM! a makeshift spear.
Do we even need to fight the zombies? There pretty slow already. You can just tease em.

"oooo, your 5meters away.... now 4.9...... now 4.8...... now i move back one step. O well your back to 5."

ya i was kinda curious about that too

but then resident evil pops into my head..and somehow, those *******s manage to get you.. haha
Do we even need to fight the zombies? There pretty slow already. You can just tease em.

"oooo, your 5meters away.... now 4.9...... now 4.8...... now i move back one step. O well your back to 5."

try doing that when you're faced with 20-50 zombies at one time.
Again, I'll raise the question (that has been raised multiple times), what if they're not the slow, brain-dead zombies? But more like the fast/agile versions? I don't think you'll be doing the "one step" thing anytime soon :p.

And LOL Nosboost...I didn't even think of the nano suit xD. Fun times would be had if you had one of those during a zombie outbreak xD.
have to be prepared like I suggested, everyone is doing the easy thing, guns...but it's about after you use up all your ammo

a nice bladelike hold-over will do the job...but if you have a trusty samurai sword and know how to use it, it's a one shot strike to all zombies...and you can dispatch them in close quarters....no need to aim really, no worry about the last round with some zombie and your gun jams...and you are wimpering like some loser in the movies ;)

sharp blade works best for ultimate zombie survival situation, vs slow or fast zombies...it's all about the ammo
Again, I'll raise the question (that has been raised multiple times), what if they're not the slow, brain-dead zombies? But more like the fast/agile versions? I don't think you'll be doing the "one step" thing anytime soon :p.

Im not sure if the fast/agile versions of zombies can actually be categorized as zombies. As in the film 28 days later, they're actually just infected with a virus (rage). If this is the case, they'll still only be able to run or perform physical acts within the same scope a normal human could. They might however be stronger, or slightly faster like in the case of a person on PCP.

An actual zombie i think, might be slower and and alot less agile. Reason being, that a zombie is basically just a corpse that has been reanimated. Muscle decay has to be taken into consideration in this case. However, i could be wrong.
have to be prepared like I suggested, everyone is doing the easy thing, guns...but it's about after you use up all your ammo

a nice bladelike hold-over will do the job...but if you have a trusty samurai sword and know how to use it, it's a one shot strike to all zombies...and you can dispatch them in close quarters....no need to aim really, no worry about the last round with some zombie and your gun jams...and you are wimpering like some loser in the movies ;)

sharp blade works best for ultimate zombie survival situation, vs slow or fast zombies...it's all about the ammo

With a blade you have to get close to the zombies, which is a bad move

plus with a blade you will get tired alot faster then with a gun, and when you get tired and start slowing down your done for

also the blade wont last long after cutting through bones over and over again the blades going to get duller and duller

if you have an AK 47 you dont have to worry about it jamming, because they dont lol

i would recommend guns over anything else, but when you run out of ammo a blade would be nice to have, of course you could use the stock of your gun to bash their brains in
plus ak ammo is cheap, i can get a box of 223s for like 5 bucks
With a blade you have to get close to the zombies, which is a bad move

plus with a blade you will get tired alot faster then with a gun, and when you get tired and start slowing down your done for

also the blade wont last long after cutting through bones over and over again the blades going to get duller and duller

if you have an AK 47 you dont have to worry about it jamming, because they dont lol

i would recommend guns over anything else, but when you run out of ammo a blade would be nice to have, of course you could use the stock of your gun to bash their brains in
plus ak ammo is cheap, i can get a box of 223s for like 5 bucks

guns are also loud. it's strongly suggested to use quiet force in the event of a zombie attack. if necessary guns should be used, however the area should be vacated immediately. it would also make sense in the case of using a bladed weapon to cary around a sharpening stone of some sort. imo, a katana or machete would be the best blade weapon as they're relatively light allowing you to use them for longer periods of time. i think a range of different weapons is the best idea. you'll be more prepared for all sorts of situations.
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