If a zombie invasion ever occurred...

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lol yea dude I have pull I can get prity much anything i want or need.

EDIT: the first pic looks photoshoped to me as the rocket isn't that big. I wont fit in the launch tube.

No, thats an atacms missile, not a rocket. The mlrs system can fire either 12 rockets, (6 per pod) or two atacms long range missiles (one per pod). My mos is 13P (mlrs fire direction specialist) just for background info.

MGM-140 ATACMS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The himars can also fire it, but i dont like that thing, armor is too light.
Im not inside it though, i send fire missions from the fdc.

The High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) firing ATACMS missiles. - Army Technology
Don't you think thats a lil over kill with the rockets and missles? Don't you want some melee action too?
I'd make some Molotov Cocktails, some bolas, a few bombs, grab some food and water and rig up my truck into a ramming vehicle and grab the extra couple of gas cans and hit the road. I'd find a gun store and steal some guns and ammo then head to wal-mart or another similar store and reap through any zombies I find there and get me a horse trailer or tractor trailer and hook it to my truck and load it with supplies, steal a few more gas tanks, some xbox 360s, an HD LCD TV and then head out to the pumps and fill up on gas. I'd have emptied all the registers out by then and I'd head to the interstate and drive till I hit what looked like a normal town, get a cheap apartment and set up base with any and all survivors and then we'd all play Xbox 360 on my new HD TV and we'd make margaritas with the blender I stole.

Would be such a fun invasion.

Great plan... but as soon as you entered wal mart you would instantly be facing at least 4 extremely obese people that would tank your bullets as the druggies and theifs sneak from behind.

As you can see there will be no xbox360 and the only martinis will be out of your precious blood.
yeah going to walmart is a terrible idea. anywhere that usually has a crapload of people is a bad idea.

also depending on the time you hear of the outbreak, your survivability will go up or down. fortunately for me i work at a hospital, meaning I'll see the first signs and be able to prepare adequately for the impending invasion of the undead.
But if your at the hospital you will have the main character as one of your patients (going by zombie movies). Do not follow him in his epic quest for survival, more than likely you'll have to be a hero and sacrifice yourself for the hot girl and small cute child that are with him.

But if your at the hospital you will have the main character as one of your patients (going by zombie movies). Do not follow him in his epic quest for survival, more than likely you'll have to be a hero and sacrifice yourself for the hot girl and small cute child that are with him.


LOL! I would probably be the sane guy who throws the baby as bait and uses the chick as a human shield. Then makes a run for either Hawaii or any other semi-large island.
360 Fanboy: I dont need to prepare myself, i know that when im in trouble Masterchief will save me. :) Why are you laughing? :confused:
Mush, if zombies started taking over my home, I would throw all my CD's at their heads (I have over 10,000 games, albums, singles and DVD's), the intense speed of the swirling disk would pretty much slice through their meat heads. :p

Or, if the disks just wouldn't spin fast enough, I would put a hammer on a retractable window cleaning rod, aim the nail removing side of the hammer at their heads - and whack down hard!

This allows me to kill them at short or long range. :cool:

Got it planned already me. :D
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