I don't really like SKYRIM, anybody else?


Daemon Poster
I am level 28 and the game is not too fun anymore, it wasn't to fun before but i continued playing. I know I could do lots more side quests but there is no will for me to continue... does anybody else agree with me?

PS3 level 28
got it for PC and was already bored with it around level 4

i love games like BC2, BF3. GTA4, Red dead redemption, STARHAWK, GT5, and WARGAME:European Escalation(RTS)

BTW havent touched skyrim 2 or 3 moths.
BETHESDA screwed up so bad with the ps3 version the first 4 months, horrible programing(fixed tho)
I haven't got that high in level, but I think I was at 17 or 18. I made a few alternate characters and mess around with them. A game like Skyrim is usually amusing based on the person, it is not universal. I like to explore random things; for example, with many dungeons or other enemy slaying areas I usually loot EVERYTHING. The dungeon itself may be a 30-45 minute dungeon, but I may be there for 2+ hours because I like to check everything in sight. If Skyrim is getting boring, try mixing it up; different quests, go to a city you rarely visit, play as an evil person and slay everyone possible, change your class, lead a giant to guards so they battle, etc. If none of these things do it for you then maybe Skyrim simply isn't your cup of tea.
My problem with Skyrim is that it has no story. Yeah, the world is vast & there's a ton of exploration, but all that becomes really boring & meh if there's no engaging story to keep me fascinated & immersed
My problem with Skyrim is that it has no story. Yeah, the world is vast & there's a ton of exploration, but all that becomes really boring & meh if there's no engaging story to keep me fascinated & immersed

thats why i dont fund it too fun!
everyone says this skyrim is so fun and its one of the bests but i dont agree...
@steve: You're not alone there ;)
I guess it comes down to different strokes for different folks. While a lot of people swear by the game, some of us need something with a little more depth than the mere premise of looting, bashing, exploring & dungeon crawling. While I certainly enjoy those aspects of a game as much as anyone else, for me they do become arb very quickly if there isnt an interesting & meaningful story driving my motivation to do so whislt play that game, and better yet, rich, well developed characters/NPCs that give that game further depth & meaning.

Sadly, Skyrim gives me none of that.
My problem with Skyrim is that it has no story. Yeah, the world is vast & there's a ton of exploration, but all that becomes really boring & meh if there's no engaging story to keep me fascinated & immersed


The Elder Scrolls games are FILLEd with story. Are you kidding me? There is much more to the lore than simply playing the main story as there is so much back story and back story to back story. Every single book in the game is full fledged title of its own. All with little stories to themselves much like real life. If Skyrim is your first TES game then I can understand a little, but to say there is no story is ignorant to its full extent. Each game is linked in some form, and the bits and pieces you don't get you can find out through the books in the game. You can even find books in Skyrim that tell the stories of the other games in the line.

The Elder Scrolls series isn't for everyone, I can understand that. Skyrim itself has changed the minds of many on the series as a whole though. Some that couldn't play Oblivion or Morrowind played Skyrim and fully enjoyed it. You just have to be into those kinds of games to begin with. Morrowind was my first, and since I have played that I have played all of them.

Edit: Just read your last post and wow, you must be completely delusional. The main quest of Skyrim has tons of engaging things in itself, then you have MANY other things you can do besides pointless "WoW" like questing. Dark Brotherhood, Companions, Thieves Guild just to name a few questing lines you can do. Each with their own immersion and stories. Making me wonder if you played the game more than 5 minutes.
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@PP Mguire: Oh Skyrim certainly does have a lot of lore, I'll give you that for sure. I still wouldnt call that a deep meaningful story that engages you completely & drives the game however. Its a sandbox game, & for what it is, it does a good enough job, throwing in a smatter of a "story" for those that wish to persue it.
But you cant honestly tell me that you walked away from that game & went "WOW, that was one mind blowing story!" Thats not what Skyrim is about.
The Elder Scrolls series isn't for everyone, I can understand that. Skyrim itself has changed the minds of many on the series as a whole though. Some that couldn't play Oblivion or Morrowind played Skyrim and fully enjoyed it. You just have to be into those kinds of games to begin with. Morrowind was my first, and since I have played that I have played all of them.

I was in this boat. Didn't really care for Oblivion (just couldn't get into it) and then heard about Skyrim after playing Fallout 3 (loved it), and figured I would give TES another shot. So glad I did. Bought it for PS3 and just recently bought it for PC so I can install mods.
@PP Mguire: Oh Skyrim certainly does have a lot of lore, I'll give you that for sure. I still wouldnt call that a deep meaningful story that engages you completely & drives the game however. Its a sandbox game, & for what it is, it does a good enough job, throwing in a smatter of a "story" for those that wish to persue it.
But you cant honestly tell me that you walked away from that game & went "WOW, that was one mind blowing story!" Thats not what Skyrim is about.
Actually, it's what the whole series is about, and it is quite the story as a whole. And when I finished playing my first run through (which mind you on the PC was after 40 or so hours on the Xbox) I had wasted about 90 or so hours of my life in Skyrim. I then proceeded to play again and since the 5th of November last year I have put a little over 400 total hours in the game. That isn't including the hours I have put into Oblivion and Morrowind. The main quest in itself isn't mind blowing, but all of it as a whole when the picture starts becoming complete is rather good actually. The game as whole in itself puts other games "stories" to shame. The likes of CoD, or BF3 which are generic wannabe Rambo war stories. The only other games story I enjoyed close to that of TES is Mass Effect and they butchered that, of which I can blame solely on EA.

I should mention I am playing it again in full graphics glory with all of my mods and taking the time to read anything I can which makes even more things come together and seem complete. Even the little notes and books that you come across in the main story show more of the story besides what you simply play.

Edit: I just want to be clear, that it's possible for somebody to simply not like the game. There are many out there. Saying there is no story? No. Isn't flying. The game revolves around story.
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While I put in a lot of hours myself, I can't say I went anywhere near as far as you, just got bored after a while quite frankly.
And when I speak of a good story, I don't look at games like CoD or BF3, seeing as they don't even really bother in that regard. I tend to compare it to other RPGs or games that you'd expect a good story driven experience from. Mass Effect I loved! But let's not go into that abysmal ending that EA butchered indeed ;) Deus Ex – Human Revolution was another. The Witcher 2. Even DA2 had a far more interesting story & characters.
Skyrim however… not sure. Well it's certainly an interesting game… Is it beautiful? Yes. Vast? Yes. Interesting? Some times. But ultimately it felt very wooden to me.
Why wooden? Perhaps because the characters you come across have very little personality beyond the tacked on personality they're given & they do little more than fulfil their role as cardboard cut-out style quest givers or the like. They just don't strike me as living breathing people. Ultimately, I guess a large part of it comes does come down to the NPC's that fill the world, & if they're not all that deep, I guess it leaves the world feeling just as shallow. Hence the story comes across as shallow & meaningless - at least to me anyway.
I realize other feel differently & love this game, like yourself, but as you say, it's not everyone's cup of tea.
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