how to downgrade from windows 8

Actually...if I wanted a touch screen operating system...I'd buy a touch screen monitor or I would get a smart phone. I do not have a smart phone, I really have no intentions on getting a smart phone any time in the future. I use my cell phone to call people. Not every body has a smart phone and a lot of people do not want a smart phone operating system on their desktops. We do have an iPad and I have no issues going from a windows 7 desktop to using an iPad. You really need to give the public more credit, they are not as stupid as M$, Apple and Goolge $$$ think they are. We spend hundreds of dollars on devices that have what??? a two year life span!, just maybe if your lucky a little longer?

Who's best interest is at stake if consumers need to buy new devices 2 years instead of hanging onto their desktops for 6 or 7 years?
It all comes down to profits, and every body but consumers profit from these devices...That's my take on why they want to put the desktop to death
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I have a smart phone, but if I'm at home I do everything on it from my PC. It's not smart to assume some or most people prefer using a smart phone over a PC. Some people don't have a choice because they are either at work or away from home a lot. That's why there are tabs, but they have the same flaw as phablets and smaller phones. To be frank I'm not set against going away from the start menu, but their first iteration of this is a fail and that is painfully obvious with how much backlash it gets. It's simply not feasible to use a touch screen biased interface that covers the whole screen on a mouse and keyboard multi-tasking biased platform.

Although, I have to disagree with the disagreeing argument against Metro as it's easily bypassed and the OS is easily usable when you replace the start menu. It's simply just not that great of an OS, and I seriously can't understand the need for some people to actually defend it.
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