HIV case cured?

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Abstract Hero

Hyper Techie
Phoenix, AZ
Stem Cell Transplant Cures HIV In 'Berlin Patient'
On the heels of World AIDS Day comes a stunning medical breakthrough: Doctors believe an HIV-positive man who underwent a stem cell transplant has been cured as a result of the procedure.
Timothy Ray Brown, also known as the "Berlin Patient," received the transplant in 2007 as part of a lengthy treatment course for leukemia. His doctors recently published a report in the journal Blood affirming that the results of extensive testing "strongly suggest that cure of HIV infection has been achieved."
There is a LOT that stem cells can do, but, due to peoples beliefs, we won't be able to discover the true potential. While, I agree that killing for stem cells isn't called for, there are other ways to obtain such cells.
There is a LOT that stem cells can do, but, due to peoples beliefs, we won't be able to discover the true potential. While, I agree that killing for stem cells isn't called for, there are other ways to obtain such cells.
I agree completely.

Stem cells have been shot down for the wrong reasons. There is the right way to obtain them and the wrong way. Just because there is a wrong way doesn't mean we shouldn't do it at all.
There are many Stem cells... Your skin has stem cells, but the controversy is about embryonic stem cells. These are the "cure all" ones as they are much more potient in thier abilities.

Me, I think it'd be sweet to have robot legs... but it's a risky procedure....
That only depends on ones definition of what the A word is, and what one deems as the start of life.....

Remember, I probably have the most to gain from successful stem cell repair theropies.... I have read alot on this area... But to me its not the A word with how they are currently made in most countries.
Meh, I don't know whether it's callous of me, but I reckon if someone has their baby aborted it may as well get put to good use healing someone else or even saving someone's life. And the 'parents' definitely shouldn't have any say in the matter, or if they did then they definitely shouldn't be paid anything.
Couldn't agree more SOUL. If it's going to happen it might as well come to some use and if someone choose to abort that should count as a waiver to the ownership of the material.
Agreed. Why not use 1 life (especially since it's purposely aborted) to save 10. That philosophy is used all the time but when it comes to stem cells it's wrong?
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