Help with my Home Server

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WHS shouldnt need the SATA Slipstreamed. When i tried it WHS had my SATA Drivers already included in my install which Vista does as well while XP does not nor Server 03.

There is no way to fully incorporate them into the ISO. Cause there is no program that can slipstream with WHS yet. They focus mainly on the desktop OS's more than Server OS's.

I would say put the driver on a USB Thumb Drive if you really need to. Server 08 would work for sure. That is a beefed up version of Vista. I have used it and it is wicked.
I recommend installing FreeNAS. That can be shared by anyone in your network using SAMBA, and can be accessed via FTP for your friends on the outside. The OS is light, and runs on a flash drive. You can add more drives, and configure a software RAID. It really is good for an old system.
If he just got a NEW server that just arrived why would he want to run FreeNAS which is good for OLD systems?
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