Google Reader News Aggregator

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Golden Master
Readburner looks like a mashup of Digg, Techmeme and Delicious somehow on first glance but it is actually something completely different. The website aggregates shared items from Google Reader displaying those that have been shared on their pages. The service lives under the assumption that quality news stories get shared while those with lesser quality do not.
It is an interesting concept in my opinion. Several filters are offered. Users can filter languages, display popular, upcoming or recent stories and change the layout of the stories that are shown. All items are related to technology but there are unfortunately no filters to further diversify the results.
What I really like is the option to show the full story on Readburner directly without having to visit another website first but I guess it's not different from full feeds that are displayed in RSS readers.
The developer promises to work on the project in the coming weeks to add more data and functions to it. Will be interesting to see how this project evolves.

Google Reader News Aggregator : Welcome To Tech-Dump
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