Crysis SP Demo

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everyone is complaining about this lol, look at oblivion a few years old, and only now are people maxing it with decent resolutions. and frame rates, and not gettign a bogdown on fps, in combat, and we all love oblivion dont we.

I'd hardly say that Oblivion is the same in that respect. It played fine and dandy on my friend's X1650PRO and Athlon 64 2800+ and his laptop with a 7600GS even with high settings.

And Oblivion wasn't published by EA, so performance improvement was more of a potential reality.

Anyway, time will tell, maybe I'm blowing off a little too fast here, we'll see

edit: EA Forums: anyone getting bad frame rates on high ...

Just a little paraphrase from one of the posts there:

More info, with my QX6850 + 8800 Ultra + 2Gb DDR2 I get:

5fps (1600*1200, 16aa, Very High settings)
8fps (1600*1200, 4aa, Very High settings)
12fps (1600*1200, 4aa, High settings)
25fps (1280*1024, 8aa, Medium settings)

Nvidia Driver version: 163.69

ugh, pathetic
I'm running everything on high with 16x AA and AF. turning off AA and AF didnt show any differences that i could tell. maybe 2-3 less FPS

8800 Ultra - 685/2300
Q6600 - 3.2GHz
Resolution is at 1680x1050
Crytek have said that the game wont max out perfectly with current hardware.
So they expected 8800Ultras and Q6600s to not go to the highest resolutions and highest settings with 60fps.

I dont see much point in making a game like that (unless it is just because of shoody optimisation) but nonetheless it is one of the greatest shooters of all time (imo).

Cannot wait to play this on a system similar to crazyq's next week ^__^
yeah well, I'm having second thoughts, I've finally brought myself to taking a good hour to really saturate myself into the game and played it to finish on Delta difficulty. Setting to medium-spec, 1280x1024, I get 24-30 fps and ignoring the fraps fps counter, well, it felt ok and playable, but not entirely fluid. Looking at it now, medium-spec doesn't look that bad at all...

anyway, I'm slightly more hopeful now. The gameplay mechanics are actually quite interesting and fun. This is definitely NOT one of those run-and-shoot / spray & pray FPSs; my gun is always set to single fire. Hiding and crawling in the bushes while carefully observing your enemies, using your cloke ability when necessary is a lot of fun. I personally like to dart a group of enemies first and then go to each of them and load a single bullet into their heads as their lying down - gives me that "assasin's high".

Hopefully it runs smoother by the time it's released. I'd like to see a system like mine boast at least 45 fps on medium-spec @ 1280x1024 w/o AA or AF.

Some things I'd like to email Crytek about:
*When you grab a Korean soldier the others may hesitate shooting at you in fear of killing their comrade
*When you grab an enemy, you can use him as a human shield
*Smarter AI in general? Like, if an enemy sees a dead soldier, why doesn't he go and sound off the alarm?
*Make the the tranquilizer dart 2 or 3 shots at a time instead of just 1
*I'd like be able to grab a guy from behind and twist his neck or something
*A military knife would be a welcomed addition
*Grabbing and concealing corpses would be great
*How long cloke-mode lasts shouldn't depend on whether you're prone, crouching, walking or running
*Also, cloke mode shouldn't be deactivated once you fire a weapon (lame)
Some things I'd like to email Crytek about:
*When you grab a Korean soldier the others may hesitate shooting at you in fear of killing their comrade
*When you grab an enemy, you can use him as a human shield
*Smarter AI in general? Like, if an enemy sees a dead soldier, why doesn't he go and sound off the alarm?
*Make the the tranquilizer dart 2 or 3 shots at a time instead of just 1
*I'd like be able to grab a guy from behind and twist his neck or something
*A military knife would be a welcomed addition
*Grabbing and concealing corpses would be great
*How long cloke-mode lasts shouldn't depend on whether you're prone, crouching, walking or running
*Also, cloke mode shouldn't be deactivated once you fire a weapon (lame)

I agree on all of that, i'd also add the following:

Make incindery bullets flames look as good as the explosions
sort our the sound
make the rockets from helicopters do more blast damage
ALL trees can be shot down
Sort out the annoying physics were an object gets stuck in another and make a terribley annoying continuous crashing sound
hi i have dloaded the game but my pc is curretntly in the rma process.

Can someone tell me how they would expect my pc to run it:

AMD 4200 X2 (i kno it sucks but oh well)
7900Gt (720/850 Good ocing results there)
2gb dual channel(2-3-3-6-is that good)
Sata hard drive
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