Crysis,Bioshock,UT3 Need Reviews.

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Well I've carried out call of duty 4 with a hit and miss and I notice that a lot of people have been talking about Crysis and Bioshock.

Are these good games in your opinion I have read reviews but some forums tend to leave stuff out.

Danx : ]
crysis is good if your computer can handle it, or if you can handle either really low frame rates or really low graphics.

and i believe bioshock won game of the year from some major thing.

ut3 is sick. a lot like previous UT games, still the spray and pray technique, so if you like that hit up UT3
crysis is good if your computer can handle it, or if you can handle either really low frame rates or really low graphics.

and i believe bioshock won game of the year from some major thing.

ut3 is sick. a lot like previous UT games, still the spray and pray technique, so if you like that hit up UT3

61% in on UT3.
I loved crysis. i'd vote it game of the year. wouldnt win cause too many people cant run it well enough lol ah well. incredible game imo

cod4 was sick too. campaign was incredible. i foudn it a bit short though. crysis was really short too. I haven't tried MP for either, as I Obtained them. I might go buy cod4 for the MP after i'm done gamign out on everything else.

havent played ut3 but i love a good fragfest so i'd say its good. XD
Have all three out of the three i would say go for crysis good multi, good single but short and its sorta like 3dmark 07! (people use it to benchmark lots)

Cod4 fun on par with Crysis

Bioshock only sinlge player so you can just "Aquire" it

UT3 not my type of game, most weapons are the same as ut4 i found. But a fair amount of new vehicles and updated graphics personally i dont like pray and spray
CoD4 is amazing multiplayer. best FPS multiplayer ive ever played.
Bioshock is a hit or miss kind of thing. you either love it, or you can't stand it / get bored quickly, i was the 2nd, got bored fairly quick in the game.
UT3, havent tried, but i presume it is cool, haha, i never got into online UT, but always played it @ lans and was lots of fun, ahah
I dont have Bioshock or UT3, but i did buy Crysis.

It ran reasonably well, on low settings. My computer stats are

ram-2 gb
gfx - 7900 GS
some terrid proccessor

The gameplay was decent. A very good shooter, with decent graphics, even on low. A good storyline. It is worth 50 dollars. The game is a bit short though. As in there could be more story to it. But it is a story. Its not just like mission 1. Mission 2. etc.
I havent played MP because you need a gamespy account and i'm to lazy to set 1 up.
so score doesnt include MP

Overall, i would give it a 4.5/5.
I have all 3 games, plus cod4 and also gears of war. Out of the 5, i think i enjoyed gears of war and cod4 the most. UT3 is good for just getting in and blowing stuff up, i just cant get into crysis, i think i expected too much out of it and it let me down. Bioshock is ok, its really immersive, but my gamer ADD gets the best of me and i just cant seem to stick to it. I really liked the whole duck and cover aspect of gears of war compared to most FPS games.
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