Coolermaster To Demo 20 Cores PC @ CeBIT

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There are two types of scans now, they did widen the frequencys that they do search.

LOL, I just looked it up, and if my information is current, they upped the width from 10Hz to 50Hz.... That is still a monumentally narrow gap to look in. Still, maybe I'm wrong and digital information wouldn't get drowned out by stars.

Still, i have to say that F@H is much more immediately practical.:freak:
Meh I have tried folding before... Seemed kinda pointless... Seti... Pointless also, but I would like to know if there really is other intellegent life out there. Still Seti would pwn on that system, and folding would suck. It is just how the projects are setup.
How would folding suck??

Its the same thing, both are forms of distributed computing.... matter of fact F@H would run faster because of cuda.
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