Chris Roberts (of Wing Commander, Privateer, Freelancer fame) is back with one hellova Space Sim!

While Wing Commander 3 had one of the best stories, it was a little too repetative & linear for my tastes as well - but I s'pose thats understandable given that it was a live action filmed game.
What I'm really looking forward to in Squadron 42 is another Chris Roberts style cinematic & story driven game, but with the far more branching storyline he's planning.

And have you guys seen some of those vids he's posted up?! The game is still in its toddler stages & the graphics already look freaking amazing!
gah! Cant wait!
Man Star Control was the shizznit back on the Genesis

Dude if you liked that one you should check out Start Control 2. I'm pretty sure it is free to download and play now. It has all of the ships and mechanics from the first one but with a story and you can explore the universe. Awesome, awesome game.
Just an update that they've added the option of purchasing additional digital & physical goodies with your pledges on both the kickstarter & main RSI site (in much the same manner as Obsidian did with Project Eternity).
So now that we've passed the million on kickstarter & the 3 million over all, RSI are posting some really cool star system updates every time we hit the next mini stretch goals. Enjoying those updates, they give more insight into the universe.
Will probably hit 4 mil by the time the campaign comes to a close in 8 days. I'd love to see it get to 5 million so that they can hit those stretch goals of bringing in some of the voice talent from Chris' games of the past - would be awesome to have Mark Hamill, Christopher Walken & especially John Rhys-Davies doing VO work again.
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