Can a Flash expert help me?

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Solid State Member
I have created a flash movie which is an image gallery that fades/scrolls between a set of images. However, when I play it, or import it into a webpage, the actual animated part is kind of "off the page" as in most of it has dissapeared off the bottom right hand corner of the document.

I can't work out what i'm doing wrong. However, i think it may be something to do with the pArray and pIndex code lines. Would anyone be prepared to let me mail them the .fla file or the code so they can have a look and tell me where i've gone wrong?


I'm no flash expert but if i know what your talking about maybe on the index.html that is the html part to your flash website you could center everything just put <center>the objects</center> have you uploaded your site yet also you should export it as swf. and upload it so we can see the problem.
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