Call of Duty Black Ops Trailer

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Well, I think Treyarch should be able to beat Infinity Ward's game this time. I really don't see how it couldn't. Their first game sucked. Their second game was good but all they did was mod cod4 basically. This time I think it is going to be something fresh, and I have high hopes. Cod5 is my current favorite in the series, even if it is only because I was soo much better at that one than the others. Well, I did like all the gore and bullet impact effects too :p.

This game is supposed to span the whole cold war, so it should be really interesting. I don't know how they're going to do mp. They could give us something really good and have different weapon sets on different maps for the different time periods, or they may just dump it all in Vietnam which would be understandable. It should be good either way. I've never played a Vietnam game because I wasn't playing shooters in the days of bf vietnam. I started up with bf 2142. I had a couple console shooters (Goldeneye and turok on n64 and then unreal tournament on ps2), but I didn't really like them that much. Well, I liked turok, but that was because I was 7 and I was dinocrazed.
I like the idea of the game being during the cold war however I'm not a fan of Treyarch. IMO COD3 and COD5 weren't good although COD5 was a lot better then COD3. Hopefully it will be the next COD4 though :D
I like the idea of the game being during the cold war however I'm not a fan of Treyarch. IMO COD3 and COD5 weren't good although COD5 was a lot better then COD3. Hopefully it will be the next COD4 though :D

How can you say cod5 wasn't that good? All it was was cod4 in wwII. You liked cod4, right?
This looks pretty nice...

But you know what would be even better? And what I've always wanted from the CoD series? A futuristic CoD! I'd kill to get that. I loved BF2142.. A CoD set in the future would be really, really awesome :tongue:
Nothing will beat CoD4, ever. X_X Maybe Diablo 3 >_> Doubt it though, with there being no lan play.

I think the next reall battlefield game could very well do it. That or the next counter strike. I haven't played either of them, but they are supposed to be quite good I've heard. Its too bad Valve really isn't going to be making any more games worth playing until the new consoles come out and they decide to make a new engine. It is soo frustrating. PC hardware is sooo much a head of their crappy old source engine.
How can you say cod5 wasn't that good? All it was was cod4 in wwII. You liked cod4, right?

I loved Cod4 but IMHO Cod5 stunk. It was all Cod4 in WWII mode. that is why it sucked. Nazi Zombies was the only good thing that came of that game.
So if cod5 came out before cod4, then you would say cod4 sucked?

Are we at least in agreement that it is better than mw2?
Is better then MW2. The reason Cod5 wasn't good was because it was just another WWII story. The mechanics were great because it was a skinned cod4. WWII games got played out,
Well, its the only WWII game I have, so that doesn't bother me.

I kinda worked my way backwards. I started in 2142, then just brushed modern with bf2 (only 10 hours on it according to xfire) but got really into it with cod4. When cod5 came out, I finally got to WWII.
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