BF2 patch 1.3

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after this patch I cant wait for enemy territory quake wars :) should be a breathe of fresh air.

odds are they will mess up 2142 as well and have people waiting months for patch releases for that.
You have to reinstall BF2 then 1.22 unless they create a roll back patch. - I'm sure a lot of servers will roll back to 1.22 on their server clients.
I'm downloading 1.22 right now, as I don't think I have it.

After reading what 1.3 is like, I'm gonna hold off on that one.
yet another EA blunder....what we have come to expect....

dont hold ur breaths for the next Battlefield.....gonna be more of the same.....
Great, I just installed the patch too. I'll try it out just to see what I think, but if it's like you guys say........I'll be reinstalling with 1.22.
The main issue with 1.3 for me is the freakin' Server List Menu. It's bloody unusable. You click on a server you want to join, and the freakin' server info changes. It's extremely hard to join a server like this. I've been playing mostly on my favorite list, which doesn't seem to be affected.

I"m wondering my EA or Dice hasn't made any announcements yet. It's just B.S!!!

EDIT: Just updated

Community Update - 5/25/06

Attention Soldiers and Server Admins!

After a thorough investigation into the issues plaguing the server browser after the 1.3 Update, we believe that a last minute update in the way the Battlefield servers and Gamespy servers communicate may be the cause.

We have decided to revert this change in an attempt eliminate these browser issues. Please note that no uninstalling or re-installing is required by players or server admins. All servers currently running must be restarted once this change has taken place.

Please also note that if you are experiencing CTD issues upon start up that any alternate-ranking redirections in your windows "Hosts" file must be removed.

The reversion will occur at 2:00 PST. We are continuing to review other issues players have noted with 1.3. Further updates will be posted to this space as they become available."

Thank you,
/The team at Dice and EA
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