BF2 patch 1.3

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They made an announcement about people upset with the new squad system how nice of them lol.

I haven't tried using the all seeing eye to find servers yet so hopefully that's unaffected but this is just a terrible patch they should be ashamed of themselves.
::cough coughBF2SUCKScough cough::

another patch that just fixes problems while creating others eh.......what's new with that game.
get a paper route cheap sake...

I own a legit copy of BF2 but its so much easier to get a crack for it than using the cd. Also my main complaint was that it takes hours for everybody to get patches installed for games at LAN parties. Every new LAN theres always a new patch for a game and everybody has to get it instaled and its annoying. We should all stay at 1.0 and be done w/ it. Make the game right the first time.
I dont mind patches that FIX problems, but adding things to a game I dont think is a good idea (jeep drops). All these things should have been thought of at the planning stage, And decided then! if to add them or not, I want patches to fix games not to add to them and forget to fix it.
Nubius said:
::cough coughBF2SUCKScough cough::

another patch that just fixes problems while creating others eh.......what's new with that game.

As much As I don't want to agree with you... I HAVE TOO!!! uhh.. so annoying.

Dr.Gootch said:
I miss how u can spawn on a squad leader and now u cant =/.

That's not such a big deal as everyone thinks it is. It actually stops people from leaving their squad and joining another squad, just to join an alive squad leader to capture a flag, right before defeat.

Plus, If you are leaving squads just, to get to flags, you're not playing as a squad anyway. I think it's good to have to spawn at a flag first before joining on a squad leader.... Makes sense.
Seems like aircraft get to rape more now. Takes too many direct hits to take them down now.......or seems that way at least.
The squad system is just fine with me. I havent had any problems with it....yet. I think the jeep drops are hilarious, seeing a jeep apear out of nowhere and floating down to earth.

Ive also just been playing favorites, those are the ones that work without problem.

I havent noticed anything different with airplanes, the heli fix is nice though, no more runaway helis.
I don't think they did anything with airplanes to tell you the truth. I was flying a bunch last night and they seem like they always have.

I made some good FRAPS videos too.... Pure Aviator OWNAGE!!!
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