Recent content by Oscar81

  1. O

    Could anyone review my site?

    SEGA, if you want to make it more popular you need to make it more social, that is the best way to do it now. Use social networks and make it more popular, Facebook, twitter, blogs and others.
  2. O

    How to find memory type without shutting down

    jjohnston, I have never really heard of anything that can give you that information without you shutting down the server. I wonder if anybody else has had a different experience or a different opinion.
  3. O

    Is it only me that does this?

    Yeup I'm guilty as charged on that one as well.
  4. O

    Having a baby

    Lazoo I just had a baby this January and right now is a good time as any to have a baby. If both of you have jobs then that is great!! Go for it and "you can do it all night long"
  5. O

    Hello everyone!

    Steve your site got deleted, did you do something that you weren't supposed to in blogspot?
  6. O

    Got hacked into Facebook!!

    Computergirl, How strong was your password? I had that problem one time when I wasn't careful to make my password hard but after fixing that problem it didn't happen again. One of my family members had the problem as well and I told them to make the password super hard and it worked.
  7. O

    HP printer

    Wired, I was dealing with a problem like that last week my sister in law was trying to do what you were doing and after helping her I found out that she was downloading the wrong drivers. She was downloading it for windows xp but she was downloading it for 32 bit instead of 64 bit. When I did...
  8. O

    I spilled coke on my laptop

    Hey guys, Don't you think he should try to remove the keyboard and see inside of it and see if there was no damage done inside or try to dry it. I know that sometimes stuff works good but that happened to my cell phone and I saved it but it stopped working after a day or two?
  9. O

    Reporting from CO

    Hi Ian welcome glad to have you. We all friendly here so ask away with the problems.
  10. O

    IE question

    Yes try to re-install IE, I stopped using IE a long time ago I believe that Chrome and Firefox are better. Sometimes Firefox crashes but with Chrome I haven't had any issues. Hopefully you were able to fix your problem with the info that Paralized time provided. Oscar
  11. O

    Heat Question

    In the Govt we are begging to like ASUS products as well. I just replaced 85 old dells with all new ASUS. Due to the fact that we have our own IT department I don't need to deal with the technical support of ASUS. And the prices are amazing as well.
  12. O

    Greetings Programs!!!

    Welcome Nikki, Congratulations on continuing with school not a lot of people do it, and some start and don't finish. Yeah the New Tron was OK but I like the classic Tron I believe it was better. Oscar
  13. O

    Hody fella's, It's Moby from Dallas TX

    Welcome Moby, you don't need to be a geek to know about computers you just need to like them and want to learn about them. And get your hands dirty. I'm from El Paso, TX Go Cowboys!! :D
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