what linux distro i need

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what linux distro is it were you DONT have to manually configure the hard drive partitions when installing linux because ive downloaded linux suse and i cant install it because i dont know how to partition the h/d
I have found opensuse 10.2 and ubuntu 6.06/7.04 to be good at auto-detecting HD and not requiring manual mounting of drives. Also they recognize windows drives and leave them alone if you know how to partition your PC properly.
maybe you need a live cd distro

it runs completely off cd without needing to install

try searching for knoppix , ubuntu or puppy, I also think gentoo has a live cd version

that will allow you to try linux and learn it some without risk of messing anything up with the computer.
Ubuntu beats all for an awesome distro, but you might want System Rescue CD to do your partitioning: Ubuntu's gparted messed up my NTFS partition twice, so I don't recommend using the built in one, though that was 6.06, probably fixed in 7.04.
ubuntu was pretty easy to configure i have to agree, but another thing you could also do is make a 2gb partition or even 1gb (fat32) and boot up a simplymepis cd and go to the system panel and select "make boot usb"

i also thought pclinuxos .93a bigdaddy was almost too easy to install, of course nothing can be too easy, but back when i was a linux newbie i installed pclinuxos first try with no problems ever.
My first install, I didn't want to partition either, so I took my old Pentium 100Mhz comp and pulled it's second hard drive (WD Caviar 5GB) and stuck it in my good comp as a slave. Ubuntu installed easily on the 2nd drive without touching my good drive...well, it did become un-bootable, but GRUB was on the 2nd drive which allowed a boot menu. Then I replaced that with a used 40GB, but it died after a few months and is now in a P133 barely running. I then got a 120GB but wanted it all for storage, so I split my 80GB 60/20 (60 win, 20 ubuntu, bad move I know) and it killed my ntfs, twice, but then I used System Rescue CD the 3rd time and it worked, then left some free space for Ubuntu to use. Working perfectly :D

PCLinuxOS is very good, a nice graphical installer. No mess. if you don't want to partition your existing HDD you can pick up another HDD and stick it in your comp as Calc has suggested

Ubuntu 7.04 does give you the option of shrinking your windows partition and using the free space, this might be the easiest option

or you can install Linux on a USB key if you were so inclined. Although the easiest way as suggested above is a Live CD. A live CD is generic term for an operating system distribution that is executed upon boot, without installation on your hard drive

Here are some Links for you:

How to Install Ubuntu 7.04 (Windows User P.O.V.) - Ubuntu 7.04 installation guide. - Softpedia
Boot and run Linux from a USB flash memory stick | Pen Drive Linux
The LiveCD List

hope this Helps,

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