Backup Ideas


Beta member
Florida, US
Hello all, I am new to this forum, actually just found you guys. While I am not trying to recover files I am trying to prevent that from happening, see the title. I was wondering if any of you guys had any ideas for this scenario. I work at a shipyard and do IT work here. Currently we have two yards and several departments are split between them. They handle things at each yard as well as communicate with each other. These yard are a good 15 miles away from each other. Now here's the issue. I'm trying to come up with a way that if and when they lose connection with each other, because it does happen rather frequently, In just the last 3 months we've had our fiber cut 3 times, how to be able to be able to sync files and services back together, because as they come back online between each other there is more than likely going to have a ton of conflicts between them, files being modified, deleted, moved, etc. And the problem comes when the same service or file gets modified by multiple users at different areas. The only real solutions I've come up with to do are to either have multiple lines of fiber, which they'd be laid 4 feet away from the other one, or us build a wireless tower. While the extra line of fiber would be great, they'd be so close together that if one gets cut the other one is probably going to too. And with the wireless tower, it would be an awesome idea, when it is bad weather the wireless signal does degrade but no one is going to be digging , and if it's nice out and the fiber does get cut the wireless will be able to recover. It's just going to be expensive. So any of guys ran into a similar scenario with multiple locations trying to talk to each other and trying to set up failsafe's for them?
Wow, thanks a lot! I didnt realize Windows Server 2012 or 2008 even had that feature. I'll run it by my supervisor. That sounds like a pretty good fix to me though.
Thanks again!
Read up on it, it's not a fix all - just an option to get around high latency or disconnects when sharing files across the WAN. We currently just use DMFS and it's a mess, we are going to try to implement branch cache next year.

Also you may want to look into a cheap backup circuit. It may cost a few hundred a month and be really slow, but it would still allow connectivity between offices so that you don't run into these sharing issues. You would have to configure the switchover at the switch or router so that when one circuit was cut - the other would pickup.
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