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^ Yes, it was. Allow me to quote him for you, so maybe this time you can actually read it.

n30phYte said:
some of my friends play it ALL the time.

actually they were once my friends but come to think of it, i don't hang out with them much anymore. i play video games a lot but WoW'ers take it to the extreme.

i played it for a while. got lucky and got out before it sucked me in completely, lol.

I don't get why WoW is so addictive, it seems like a really boring game. It's not a first person shooter, so really, it's not even worth playing at all. I don't see how people can become so addicted to a boring game like WoW.
i was referring to his last post. not his first post. and i feel that my post was relevant i was simply giving my opinion on the genre of the game.
play guild wars no monthly fee amazing game play and is still adicting to tghe point that u will keep wanting to play and once uve goten fed up with it liek 6 moths later a new one comes out
I think i have a solution for you .... Go to fileplant check out there trials on the MMO's i think every MMO has one. Download play for a 1-2 weeks and test out the MMO's like that. That way if you like on you just add 15 bucks and its like you have a full retail version of the game.
I have to agree with the "you don't loose your social life" arguement.

An MMO is a massive multiplayer game with lots of people to chat with. Your RL social life might become non-existant, but you can remedy that by getting your friends to join the MMO.

I'm too poor for WoW, and I play Puzzle Pirates a lot. 4 of my RL friends have joined already.

Soon everyone will be sucked into MMOs and RL social life will become a thing of the past, a chapter in the anals of history. :D
WoW is a good game, the pvp is awesome what i find best about it is that you can move wen u attack E.G warriors can like run around the person and attack
Twinfun2 said:
Is getting "addicted" likely? Is this time consuming? thx.

The following explain it all

The problem that I had with World Of WarCrack is this,
From lvl 1 to 50, you are pretty much fine Soloing in and working with PUG* (Pick Up Groups) Groups on Instances. However as soon as you hit 50, the instances that you where PUGing it before start turning rather nasty. If you are not in a guild by then, you better be in one by lvl 50.

Anyways, you finally get up to lvl 60, and about the only thing that you have left if your 40 man raids. A 40 man raid is not some thing you just PUG. You are normally need to get in an End Game Guild which does mainly 40 man raids. If order to do get loot for those raids, you need to attend them on a regulare basis.
And if you are away for too long from the game, due to Real Life reasons (Eg. Job, Family, Social Life) then you will get kicked out of the guild.
Now forty man raids are typically 6 hours. Allow 5 hours for the actual raid, allow another hour to organise it. And normally a good End Game guild will be doing AT LEAST 2 of these each week. Therefore, you will need to put aside at least 12 hours each week just for your guild.

I was playing WOW. I got a character up to lvl 55 and I realised that there is no sence in my completing up to lvl 60 as I barely have enough time to play the game now, let alone finding the dedicated 6 hours per Raid.

Over all, I have seen WOW and Other MMO's just screw peoples lives up. My sister is a WOW Junkie, and I lost count the number of time I have seen her get ****ed off at some one else in the house because they are consuming bandwidth while she's in the middle of molten core.
Like see accused me of being addicted to Bit Torrent once. Ha! I could say the same thing about her and World Of warcraft. At least I showed at the dinner table. My sister would show up when she finished her raid or quest or whatever, and by then dinner is the left overs sitting the microwave (and there has been a few times where every one else has gone to bed)
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